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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Join the Discussion: Do You Use a Book Rating System for Reviews?

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So, the answer to this question really depends on where I'm reviewing a book. If it's on my blog as part of Kara's Book Cravings, I just share my opinions on the book, characters, plot, and I talk a bit about how I found the book, too, but I don't use any sort of rating system. I want my book thoughts to be more relaxed, like I'm chatting with a friend about it as opposed to something more formal or professional. 

If I'm reviewing somewhere like Goodreads or Amazon or any other site that requires a star rating, then I'll use one. Personally, though, I think there's too much subjectivity to star ratings / grades. My idea of a 3-star will be different from yours, so I think written reviews expressing what you liked and didn't like is a lot more useful. 

How about you? 
Do you use a rating system for books you read and review? 
Why or why not? 
Share in the comments!

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