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Friday, August 12, 2022

Fighting Fibro: A Long Overdue Update


My last Fighting Fibro post was back toward the end of May. At that time, I was attempting to wean myself (with my doctor's guidance) off my medication. I was convinced that I'd feel better doing so, that I'd finally get rid of the fatigue plaguing me, and that I could manage with diet and exercise. 

Ha! I should've known better. 

I lasted about 30 days before I dragged my butt back to my doctor. I was in in constant pain, which in and of itself drains energy, so I really wasn't kicking the fatigue--I simply was tired for different reasons. And all the symptoms that come with Fibro--beyond the pain--came back with a vengeance! 

I was a raging bitch on a good day (and there weren't many of them). I was snapping at everyone for everything. If I could have gotten away from myself, I would have! The IBS symptoms returned, too. No matter what I ate or drank, I felt terrible afterwards. Bloating. Cramps. Overall grossness. Don't even get me started on the headaches. Lack of focus. Brain fog. 

I was, once again, a hot mess. 

So, I went back to my doctor, and we discussed other medication options. I wanted to try to go back on Gabapentin, which was what I was on when I was first diagnosed, but that messed with my blood pressure, and my doctor felt that was unsafe. 

I was adamant that I did not want to go back on the same dosage of Cymbalta I'd been on because then I became a zombie, and I couldn't function throughout the day. She suggested some other options, but I was leery about starting an entirely new medication I knew nothing about. We compromised, and I was prescribed the lowest dosage of Cymbalta (20 mg) that I take before bed every other night. 

Fast forward to the end of July when I had my 30 day check-up... While I wasn't suffering from quite as much fatigue, and I didn't feel like a zombie most days, I was still having a lot of consistent pain. Thankfully, the other symptoms (IBS, mood swings, headaches, brain fog, etc.,) had gone away again. Now, I just needed to find a way to manage the constant pain. And yes, I was still consistently working out and eating less sugar / carbs / foods that naturally cause inflammation. But, it wasn't working.

Now, my doctor had left the practice (she's having a baby and moving out of state), so I saw a new doctor. I liked her immediately! She really took the time to listen to me and my concerns, and she agreed that increasing my Cymbalta wouldn't help me. Unfortunately, for Cymbalta to be an effective fibro treatment, you have to take at least 30 mg daily. 

Uh-uh. No way!

She eventually prescribed me a second medication--10 mg of Prozac to be taken daily, first thing in the morning. She swore this would work in conjunction with the Cymbalta, not make me so tired I'm a zombie, but still combat the pain I'm having. 

To say I was skeptical was an understatement. But, I'm not a doctor, so...

At first, I didn't notice much of a difference--until I accidentally missed 3 doses in a row--and then I felt it. Pain. So. Much. Pain! As of today, I've been back on the Prozac in the morning and Cymbalta every other night, and I feel GOOD AGAIN! I have energy. I don't have constant pain anymore. No more headaches, IBS, mood swings... 

Here's hoping things continue to improve. I return to my doctor the end of this month for another check-in. We'll see how that goes :) 

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