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Monday, April 4, 2016

{GUEST POST}: 10 Things You Don't Know about Connie Ann Michael

Today I'm pleased to welcome my friend and fellow Anaiah author, Connie Ann Michael, to the blog. The second book in her Thousand Moments series, 1000 SILENT MOMENTS released a few weeks back, and so I thought it would be fun have her tell us a bit more about herself. So, here's Connie :-)

The biggest thing you probably don’t know about me is that I have been an author for about eight years. At one time I had three books out on Amazon and was busy promoting myself and then my publisher disappeared. Yep she disappeared and the authors had to scramble to get our rights back. I think in the long run it was for the best. It gave me a chance to look over the books and rewrite them. You see as you write more, you write better. So I hope they are better.  A Thousand Silent Moments is the second in the Thousand Moments series.  Now here are a few more things you may not know about me.

1. I have two college seniors
2. My son just registered for the NFL draft, he plays college football
3. I love to hike, kayak, or do anything outdoors
4. I love going to the movies
5. My secret talent is I can name a movie after only seeing a few seconds of it.  I have seen way too many movies
6. Reading is my favorite thing to do
7. I am a runner, a slow one but still a runner none the less
8. I have set a goal to climb three 14ers this summer in Colorado
9. I have a dog that looks like a gremlin after it gets wet
10. I write because I can’t sit still

Thanks so much for sharing all of that with us, Connie! Now, tell us about 1000 SILENT MOMENTS. (I had the pleasure of editing this book for her, and whoa! Have some tissues handy because this is one heck of an emotional rollercoaster!)

Only weeks back from the war, Emme “Doogie” Sawyer is in trouble. She struggles to fight the war in her head while also trying to build a relationship with Raven – who has recently returned from Afghanistan and taken up temporary residence in her house. Unfortunately, it’s hard to lock down the bad without cutting off the good. Soon, Sawyer begins to slip deeper into the darkness of the war she thought she left behind.

Running from his own mistakes, Raven tries to be the support Sawyer needs to move forward, but he soon discovers that in order to heal, they must rely on their faith more than they rely on each other. Raven takes Sawyer back to his childhood home, to where he hopes they both can find themselves and the faith they left behind.

Will they be able to find their way back to each other, or will the horrors of war and past mistakes destroy them for good?

BUY NOW: Amazon / Smashwords / Banes & Noble  

About the Author:
Connie grew up in Seattle but moved to Central Washington to be closer to all things outdoors. Married, with two college boys, she keeps busy kayaking, mountain biking, skiing, and hiking through the beautiful hills of the Wenatchee Valley. Growing up with a love of reading, the transition into writing seemed natural, and she can be found on summer days writing under the tree in her front yard, surrounded by her three dogs.

You can find more of Connie on her website, Twitter, Goodreads, and Facebook.