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Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tell Me Something Tuesday: 08.22.23 (I didn't like it; do I give it a second chance?)


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I've picked up books in the past that I've been lukewarm about but was willing to give them a chance. Or books that have been over-hyped that aren't within my usual reading genres. There have been a few times when I was pleasantly surprised and thoroughly enjoyed the book. This recently happened with Yellowface by R.F. Kuang.

Most of the time, though, if I DNF a book or put it down because I'm just not enjoying it, I almost never go back to it. I have way too many books I want to read and write, that I don't waste time on things that aren't bringing me joy. (Sorry to all my fellow authors if this comes off as a little harsh!) 


  1. Yes, sometimes the mood isn't right for certain books that coming back later can fix. But, yes, there are a few that stay unfinished for good with me, too.

    1. I'm a total mood reader, and I will full-on ignore certain books if I know I'm not in the mood for them. Like right now, I'm in a spooky / true paranormal story mood, and so that's what I've been reading. I'm sure this will change soon though. lol.

  2. No because I must have some kind of disorder that makes me read a book or delete it from my Kindle. lol If I don't like a book I will just delete it and never go back to it. Or if it's a physical book I will give it away so there's no way for me to go back to it later.

    1. Yes! I do this, too, most of the time. If I know I'm not going back, I either delete or pass it along -- which opens up more shelf space for books I do love!

  3. I wish I was better about DNFing. I just struggle cutting the cord as they say. And you aren't being harsh - I honestly think there are a lot of people that think similarly. I do, I just don't do well putting it into practice! Welcome to TMST!

    1. Thanks, I'm excited to be a part of TMST!

      And yes, I used to be the same way about DNFing, but then I got a job working as an acquisitions editor, and I HAD to learn this skill. I just can't read everything all the way through anymore. I have to prioritize.
