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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Kara's Book Cravings: No Escape


My daughter found this book, and when she told me about, I asked to borrow it because it's a teen thriller, which is right up my alley. But what makes this even better is that it takes place in an escape room! I've been to a few of them myself (only ever gotten out once), and I've seen both of the movies. I'm lowkey fascinated by escape rooms and the possibility of getting stuck inside without anyone there to help you. I mean, the story options for this type of setting are limitless!

And so I took NO ESCAPE by Maren Stoffels with me to the gym one night and read while I walked on the treadmill. I read half the book without realizing it, (and spent over an hour on the treadmill) and then when I got home, I finished the book. So, yes, I read this in one day. 

The pacing is super fast, and there are quite a few twists and turns and reveals I hadn't expected. Despite being teens, each of the 4 main characters had very well-rounded and rich backstories that they were dealing with while trying to get out of the escape room. 

My only complaint is with the end. While the escape room aspect was resolved in if and how they get out, the reason behind everything was extremely confusing. A random character is introduced at the end who isn't given a name but has a narrative that's very mysterious. I don't know if there's another book planned or not, but the end left me scratching my head with confusion. 

I did, however, enjoy the author's style, and I'm now waiting for the rest of her backlist to arrive so I can read them, too. 

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