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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Anaiah Press: Upcoming Events & Pitch Contests

I've got some exciting news! As you all know, I'm the Managing Editor of the Surge Imprint (YA/NA) at Anaiah Press. I've really enjoyed my position, interacting with some wonderful authors, and working daily with the fabulous staff. So, now I'm super happy to announce that I'm also taking over as Managing Editor of our Romance Imprint!

That's right -- I'm now on the hunt for adult romances in addition to YA and NA novels. Stay tuned for a post that will outline my romance wish list :)

Now, on to some even more exciting news. Anaiah is busy hunting for some stellar manuscripts to add to our line up. In an effort to do that, and to help all you aspiring authors skip right over the slush pile, we're hosting and participating in some fun pitch contests. 

January 20th - January 25th
YAtopia Blog Pitch

Anaiah Press is on YAtopia blog accepting pitches for YA, NA, MG, PB, NF, and adult manuscripts. You can pitch your book directly to our editors in 50 words or less. If you catch our editors' attention, they'll comment with instructions on how to submit directly to them. 

You can find the contest HERE.

January 24th & February 28th 
Facebook Four Sentence Friday Fest

That's right. Every fourth Friday of the month you can pitch your book right on our Facebook page. The rules are simple:

1. Post FOUR SENTENCES on the Anaiah Press Facebook page. These four sentences should tell us about your manuscript. 

2. Please remember: your manuscript must be finished, polished & currently unpublished.

3. If interested, editors will like or comment on your pitch with instructions on how to submit. 

February 5th
#AdPit Twitter Pitch Party

The wonderful Heidi Norrod is hosting #AdPit on Twitter. For full details and rules, go HERE. It's in the same vein as #pitchMAS and #PitMad, except this time, it's for adult manuscripts and non-fiction manuscripts only! So, I'll be on the hunt for some clean, Christian friendly adult romances. I'm sure Senior Editor, Jessica will be stalking the feed looking for some non-fiction for our Inspirations line!

February 19th
Flirting with Romance Blog Pitch Party

We will be spending the entire day at the Flirting with Romance Blog taking pitches for adult romance manuscripts. I'm really excited to find some romantic suspense! More details about dates, times, and pitching rules will be posted as they're revealed. 


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